
Custom On-boarding with Agency-U™ Yields Results: A Success Story from American Medical Staffing

We sat down with Andrew Sepehri, Director of People and Culture at American Medical Staffing (AMS), who shared insights into how Agency-U™ has successfully transformed their training and development initiatives by providing tailored solutions to their agency.

LaborEdge: Andrew, in what ways has the implementation of Agency-U contributed to operational improvements in your organization?

Andrew Sepehri: One of the primary reasons we were drawn to and ultimately chose to move forward with LaborEdge, was their unique approach in positioning themselves as a partner, not just a vendor. Their commitment to helping us develop a comprehensive training program within Nexus was a significant benefit. This support was crucial for us, as we felt it was something we were lacking internally. The partnership with LaborEdge and the implementation of Agency-U has been instrumental in enhancing our training and development capabilities.

LaborEdge: We pride ourselves in our ability to tailor content for the most effective learning experience. What challenges did Agency-U help overcome with these key customizations?

AS: Agency-U has been instrumental in addressing our learning and development challenges by allowing us to build tailored training courses specific to each role within our organization. This customization ensures that every employee receives relevant and role-specific training on how to interact with Nexus, which has significantly improved our operational efficiency. Additionally, the tailored training programs have been essential in better preparing new employees for success from day one. By aligning the training content with the actual tasks and responsibilities of each role, we've been able to enhance our onboarding process and ensure a smoother transition for new hires into their positions.

LaborEdge: We would love to hear your favorite features of Agency-U.

AS: The ability of the LaborEdge team to integrate our custom content: The team's capability to take our existing materials, such as PowerPoints, SOPs, and other resources, and seamlessly incorporate them into the training modules has been incredibly beneficial. This integration ensures that our unique processes and guidelines are thoroughly communicated to our employees, maintaining consistency and relevance across all training programs.

The ability to build out custom interactive training courses: The platform's flexibility in allowing us to create custom interactive training has significantly enhanced engagement and learning retention among our staff. These interactive elements make the training sessions more dynamic and effective, enabling employees to better grasp and apply the knowledge in their daily tasks. This feature has been crucial in ensuring that our training is not only informative but also engaging and impactful.

LaborEdge: Can you tell us about your experience with LaborEdge’s Digital Learning team?

AS: The experience with the LaborEdge Digital Learning team has been the highlight of our partnership. I feel supported every step of the way. The team consistently demonstrates a solutions-based mindset and has been incredibly responsive to our needs. There have been several instances where we had urgent requests, and the team managed to deliver timely and effective solutions each time. Their dedication and promptness have greatly contributed to the success of our training and development initiatives.

Every request we had for customization was met with complete openness. The Agency-U team demonstrated a great mindset, ensuring that we got everything exactly the way we wanted it. Their willingness to adapt and tailor the solution to fit our specific needs has been remarkable, making the entire process smooth and aligned with our objectives.

LaborEdge: In what ways have the various training formats impacted employee engagement and retention of knowledge?

AS: With Agency-U, we've been able to incorporate video and interactive content, which has significantly enhanced our training programs. This shift allows us to appeal to various learning styles, making our training more inclusive and effective. The ability to offer diverse training formats has already shown promise in engaging our employees better and providing a more dynamic and comprehensive learning experience.

LaborEdge: Agency-U is a commitment to customer success through personalized service. Would you recommend this digital learning platform to others?

AS: Yes, I would definitely recommend Agency-U to others. Their collaborative approach sets them apart. The Agency-U team feels like an extension of our own organization, actively participating in brainstorming sessions and working diligently towards achieving the most optimized outcomes. Their partnership and dedication have been instrumental in helping us enhance our training and development processes.

Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your insights on how Agency-U has transformed your training and development strategies. To learn more about how Agency-U can optimize your organization's learning goals, click here.